Are you thinking about adding an employee benefit plan to your business?
New Employee Benefit Plan Survey
Are thinking about adding a benefit plan as part of your employees compensation but aren’t sure where to start? Our advice is to ask your employees what they want. You will likely be surprised by their responses. We have developed a short 5 question survey that does just that. The survey asks them what they would like to see in a benefit plan and what is important to them. Armed with the results of this survey we work with you to design a benefits plan that fits their needs and your budget. Why pay for benefits that the employees won’t use or don’t value? Once we have designed the plan we then take a list of your employees and the plan design and ask insurers to quote. It is really that simple.
Here’s how it works:
We customise the survey for your company and share a link with you. You send the link to the employees and they complete the anonymous survey. We compile the results and share the report with you and together we design the benefits plan.