Are you an incorporated small business owner who is paying for your health and dental expenses out of pocket? There is a better way.
Many business owners think they are too small for an employee benefits plan but this is simply not the case.
Many business owners want all eligible expenses to go through the business. The business can write them off as a business expense and the owner and family receive the benefits tax-free. They also want to be protected in the event of a major medical event or accident. This plan includes $1 million of low-cost, high deductible catastrophic medical insurance.
Do you want unlimited coverage? Who doesn’t?
The plan we are talking about about is called the The Smart Business Owner Benefits Plan offered by The Benefits Trust. It is a plan for one person and family members but can include other owners, partners and employees. The plan includes a pay-direct drug card, direct dental claim submission and detailed monthly billing.
Watch the Video to learn more